Little Legs Online Parent Membership

Breaking barriers of neurodiversity

Little Legs Occupational Therapy - a client-centred practice focused on observing, listening to and understanding the needs of your neurodiverse child to assist you in expanding on your abilities to facilitate their meaningful, everyday activities.

Are you currently trying to manage…

  • Family fatigue, kindy and school meetings, isolation, and in some cases, bullying

  • New and often challenging pathways into understanding neurodiversity

  • Wanting to give your child a level of independence and support, but unsure where to start

  • Navigating the pathways of adequate funding for neurodiversity but finding it emotional and tiring

  • Struggling to find therapists or understand the industry jargon

  • Wanting a ‘go-to’ person that can help with the development of understanding neurodiversity

My name is Lizzie Kearney, private Paediatric Occupational Therapist - and I see this situation daily.

I deeply understand the need and desire many parents crave for support, correct assessment, funding and a helping hand in the ever changing landscape of neuroscience and cognition support - especially, in the comfort of your own home.

Let me show you how I can support you


the Little Legs Occupational Therapy Online Parent Membership

an affordable, accessible way to gain occupational therapy and parent support anytime, anywhere.COMING SOON!


Breaking Barriers to Neurodiversity - The Little Legs Occupational Therapy Online Parent Membership helps parents to support their child’s regulation, independence and involvement in meaningful everyday activities through learning evidence-based strategies that can be used in daily situations.

What Little Legs Occupational Therapy teaches…

  • Increasing independence

  • Managing the demands of everyday life

  • How-to know your child’s regulatory states and learn the art of tuning in

  • Becoming aware of your child’s triggers and the causes of their meltdowns

  • How-to support your child’s big emotional responses and promoting their regulation

  • How-to be a regulated parent to co-regulate your child

  • Promoting positive daily routines

  • Understanding your child’s sensory preferences and needs

  • Making appropriate environmental adaptations, at home & in the classroom to suit parenting and teaching styles

  • Promoting your child’s attention and concentration

  • How-to play and connect with your child

  • Developing your child’s executive functioning skills, planning, sequencing and organising of everyday activities

  • Managing tricky mealtimes, picky eating and increased food tolerance and variety

  • PLUS tonnes more!

In this program you’ll be able to develop…

  • A supportive, understanding community

  • A growing confidence in your understanding of neurodiversity

  • Increase in self-belief

  • A boost in your growth mindset

  • Motivation and contentment knowing you’re doing the best you can with the tools provided

  • Creativity and fun amongst your parenting

  • Exploration through evidence-based assessments


What’s included

  • 01.

    Evidence Based Strategies

  • 02.

    Ability to connect with other families via [insert here]

  • 03.

    Monthly 1-hour online workshop held of an evening via Zoom

  • 04.

    Special guest speakers including Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, Play Therapists, Early Intervention Advisors and more

  • 05.

    Weekly tip sheets delivered straight to your inbox

  • 06.

    Access to Facebook community group

Hi, I’m Lizzie!

Your resident Paediatric Occupational Therapist based in Longreach, outback Queensland and founder of Little Legs Occupational Therapy.

Little Legs Occupational Therapy has not always been an outback practice. It was founded in Geelong, Victoria. However, with a love of country people, music and way of life, I found myself hopping, skipping and jumping all the way to Longreach - and I’ve never looked back.

With a focus on sensory, social and emotional development amongst children with ASD, ADHD and Anxiety within Central West Queensland, online learning can often be the only functional way of access for some families.  I am incredibly passionate about supporting parent capacity, sharing knowledge based on reliable research and facilitating interactive workshops, discussions, sharing lived experiences and creating opportunities for reflection and creating change. 

I am beyond excited to offer affordable, supported health solutions to rural, remote and regional Australian families.

So looking forward to connecting!

Ready to join?

Every month
Every year

Receive instant support group bursting with lived knowledge, training support and guidance, tools, strategies and a community!

✓ 1 Hour online group workshop each month
✓ 1 Pre recording of Lizzie Kearney with Guest Speaker!
✓ Library full of previous recordings
✓ Access to closed facebook group

 Join a supportive, understanding community that is always by your side, no matter what.

With consistent, convenient support from an Allied Health professional and a community of likeminded individuals in an affordable environment, there has never been a better time to join the Little Legs Online Parent Membership. 


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