
All assessments can be privately or NDIS funded

Lizzie offers a number of different O.T assessments including:

  • Sensory processing assessment

  • Child initiated pretend play assessment

  • Fine motor assessment

  • Gross motor assessment

  • Collaborative & proactive solutions - solving problems assessment

  • Cognitive assessments

View our assessments below

autism assessment 

An Autism Assessment is a diagnostic assessment to determine whether an individual's developmental profile and presentation meets the criteria for a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). At Little Legs Outback O.T Autism Assessments are completed as a Multidisciplinary team where founder of Little Legs Outback O.T, Lizzie Kearney partners with KL Assessments to work collaboratively with Speech Pathologist Kelly Seignior and Clinical Psychologist Louise Ganly.

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  • The tools used for an Autism Assessment at Little Legs Outback O.T will vary depending on the individual's age and presentation and will be decided upon by the assessors, tools include:

    • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule - Second Edition (ADOS-2)

    • Developmental Profile-4 (DP4)

    • Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Third Edition (VABS-3)

    • Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Pre-school Edition (CELF-P2) Pragmatic Profile

    • Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Fifth Edition (CELF-5) Pragmatic Profile

    • Test of Pragmatic Language - Second Edition (TOPL-2)

    • For a child Autism Assessment, the process involves one face-to-face session and where a comprehensive developmental history will be completed with parents by the Speech Pathologist while the child completes the ADOS-2 with the Psychologist and Occupational Therapist. When the ADOS-2 is complete, the Psychologist and Occupational Therapist will finish the developmental history with parents and the Speech Pathologist will complete social communication assessments. This session may take up to 2.5 hours.

    • For adult Autism Assessments, the individual will complete a developmental history with the Speech Pathologist followed by the ADOS-2 with the Psychologist and Occupational Therapist. This session may take up to 2.5 hours.

    • After the initial session, assessors score all assessments, review developmental history and observations, review past reports, liaise with other therapists and Paediatrician if necessary. A comprehensive report is then developed and Telehealth feedback session is scheduled to provide opportunity for parents, caregivers and individuals to learn of assessment outcomes, recommendations and feel supported in moving forward.

  • The initial session is completed at the location of Little Legs Outback O.T, 125 Magpie Lane Longreach, Central West Queensland where Lizzie provides face to face support while Kelly and Louise provide Telehealth support throughout the process.

  • No!

  • No, you can sign up here!

  • Involving 17 hours of face-to-face and non-face-to-face Multidisciplinary input, this Assessment process costs $4946.83.

    This can be privately or NDIS funded.

sensory assessment 

Our sensors regulate our Central Nervous System helping us to interact and participate in everyday activities. A sensory Assessment explores how we or our children process the information received from our sensors and how this influences the way in which we act, behave & function.

It delves into unique sensory preferences, the input we detect, seek, are sensitive too and avoid and gauges thresholds of tolerance. By increasing understanding of unique sensory preferences, this assessment drives strategies to gently increase tolerance by implementing adaptations to environments and interactions to promote desired optimal states of arousal. 

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  • Sensory Profile 2.

    • For a child Sensory Assessment, the process involves one Telehealth where a questionaire will be completed with parents by the Occupational Therapist. For an adult Sensory Assessments, the individual will complete this process with Occupational Therapist. This session may take up to 2 hours and can be arranged to be completed over two 60 minute sessions

    • After the initial session, Occupational Therapist scores and interprets results and a comprehensive report is then developed and a Telehealth feedback session is scheduled to provide opportunity for parents, caregivers and individuals to learn of assessment outcomes, recommendations and feel supported in moving forward.

  • Via a secure online platform, Telehealth.

  • No!

  • No, you can sign up here!

  • Involving 5 hours of O.T this Assessment process costs $1454.95

    This can be privately or NDIS funded.